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Fortexx Capital is committed to operating in a transparent and compliant manner, and we adhere to all relevant regulations and laws in the jurisdictions where we operate. Here are some of the key regulations that we follow:

  1. Regulation and Licensing: Fortexx Capital is registered and licensed by the relevant regulatory authorities in the jurisdictions where we operate. We comply with all regulatory requirements, including anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations.
  2. Segregated Client Funds: Client funds are kept in segregated accounts separate from our own funds, in compliance with regulatory requirements. This helps to protect our clients' investments in the event of insolvency or other financial difficulties.
  3. Risk Disclosure: We provide comprehensive risk disclosure statements to our clients, outlining the risks involved in trading and investing in financial markets. We believe in transparency and education, and aim to help our clients make informed trading decisions.
  4. Fair Pricing: We believe in fair and transparent pricing, with no hidden fees or charges. Our pricing is competitive and is based on market conditions, and we do not engage in any price manipulation or unethical trading practices.
  5. Data Protection: We take the protection of our clients' personal and financial information seriously. We comply with all relevant data protection regulations, and use advanced security measures to protect client data and prevent unauthorized access.
  6. Customer Complaints: We have a transparent and fair customer complaints procedure in place, and take all complaints seriously. We aim to resolve complaints quickly and fairly, and will escalate complaints to the relevant regulatory authorities if necessary.

Fortexx Capital is committed to operating in a compliant and transparent manner, and we adhere to all relevant regulations and laws in the jurisdictions where we operate. We believe that following these regulations is not only the right thing to do, but also essential for building trust and long-term relationships with our clients.

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